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This flagship phono amplifier GE-10 is a compilation of all knowledges and experiences of Audio Note.
It was designed to work with flagship preamplifier G-1000 to create an ultimate preamplifier system for analogue playback.


  • Equalizer circuit is CR type
  • Separated Chassis and Fully Independent Power Supply
  • Isolating the ripple filter capacitors and decoupling capacitors
  • Large scale shunt type filament power supply circuit
  • Power supply circuits are independent for best channel separation
  • Adopt quality parts such as SSW (silk silver wire), silver foil capacitors, original power transformer and copper chassis.

PHONO equalizer unit

Equalizer circuit is CR type so that most natural sound texture is obtained.
1st stage is cascode circuit, then the equalizer is followed by a cathode follower. This arrangement reaches low output impedance and ensures natural sound with no coloring.
Modularization of a phono amplifier section achieve shortness signal paths and the merit of hand wiring. Through it, 6 pcs of Vacuum tubes and large silver signal capacitors can be mounted tightly into the module.
Moreover, high purity signal loop are formed by placing 4 decoupling capacitors around the module. Also taking consideration that a solid-state pre-amplifier may be connected, GE-10 is possible to load with input impedance as low as 20kΩ.

Power supply, the shunt heater circuit

Rectification tunes is 6CA4. The power transformer and chokes are arranged so that minimum vibration is obtained. 3 kinds of decoupling capacitors are selected for well balance of tonal characteristics. Power supply is strengthened by clearly separating the ripple filter capacitors and decoupling capacitors.
Combining capacitor groups and a shunt type DC6.3V heater power supply circuit, ripples at power line is highly eliminated and heater voltage is regulated within ±5%.

Loading impedance and low cut filter

After connecting to a preamplifier and select the matching value (3 values selectable) at GE-10's output loading impedance, a 20kΩ resultant impedance is preset. The output capacitor of GE-10 and this 20kΩ makes a low cut filter with no negative effect to sound quality. This filter reduce a subsonic moderately and helps keep the sound clean.

Ultra-high-quality parts

Audio Note original silver foil capacitors, silver lead resistors, SSW wiring material, copper main chassis, original electrolytic capacitors, original RCA Jacks, original power transformers, chokes and a lot. Other parts such as market capacitors and resistors are selected carefully for each specific positions.

Kondo Audio Note GE-10i Phono-Amp.

  • NEW
    Warranty 10 years
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