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The sophisticated yet simple to use MS500 Music Streamer seamlessly integrates both your internet based streaming music and locally stored digital music into one comprehensive device. It allows your digital library to be enjoyed with McIntosh’s legendary audio standards – including uncompressed, lossless files with up to 24-bit/192kHz resolution.

With all its onboard storage and external connection capabilities, the MS500 can easily serve as a central hub for all your digital music. The high-speed network port connects you to leading streaming services1 such as Deezer, Murfie, Pandora®, Rhapsody®, SiriusXM®, Slacker, Spotify®, TIDAL and TuneIn (services subject to change). Interfaces to these services are built in to the MS500 – putting all your streaming music at your fingertips. Internet radio stations can also be added as presets. Three USB ports allow for external mass storage or flash drives to be connected.

The MS500 runs ultra-quiet thanks to two key features. First, local music and the operating system are stored on a durable 500GB solid state drive (SSD) that has no moving parts to create noise; second, a fanless processor combined with improved ventilation means noisy cooling fans are not needed. The combination of these two things results in there being no noise to interfere with your music listening.

people have ever heard.” – Computer Audiophile

The MS500 can automatically synchronize the content stored on your networked computers so it is readily accessible and playable. All your content can be backed up to the Amazon Cloud Drive, Apple iCloud or Google Drive. This also allows for your music to be synchronized across multiple homes or locations when an MS500 is installed in each location. New music purchases from any of these cloud services can be automatically added to your library for easy playback.

A set of balanced and unbalanced analog outputs plus two digital outputs connect the MS500 to your preamplifier, integrated amplifier or other audio components. The MS500’s high quality digital to analog convertor (DAC) is isolated from the motherboard, ensuring your music is reproduced with extreme precision and elegance when using either of the analog outputs. Any one of the USB ports can also be used to connect an external component with a built-in DAC – including select McIntosh products;2 utilizing this external DAC, one additional independent audio zone can be created.

The MS500 utilizes a Linux based operating system that brings stability and is extremely responsive to user inputs. It is operated via the included remote control, a web browser or with free apps for iPhone, iPad or Android devices. The unit is compatible with many popular home automation systems allowing for easy integration into your existing setup. The timeless black glass front panel, illuminated logo and aluminum end caps make the MS500 a welcome addition to any audio system and room decor.

MS500 Music Streamer is powered by Autonomic.

1) All services may not be available in all regions; certain services may not yet be enabled for all apps; subscriptions may be required. List subject to change.
2) Compatible McIntosh products with a DAC include the MA9000, MA8900, MA7200 and MA5300 Integrated Amplifiers; MAC7200 Receiver; C2600, C52, C47 and D1100 Preamplifiers; MX160 A/V Processor; MHA150 Headphone Amplifier; and MXA80 Integrated Audio System. List subject to change.

Limitations on Third Party Services and Data Sources: Certain McIntosh Products include an interface that enables access to services (including data) that are provided by third parties unrelated to McIntosh (such as, by way of example only, Amazon Cloud, Spotify, Gracenote, etc.). Some of these services require separate customer subscriptions and some do not; and some may be supported by and compatible with the McIntosh Product while others may not. Merely providing the capability to access such services is not to be construed as making McIntosh the provider of, or responsible for, the services, or for continuing to support or make such access available; and McIntosh expressly disclaims any such responsibility. Because McIntosh cannot control the providers of such services or the services themselves, and similarly cannot control the communication systems and networks that connect the Products’ interfaces to the services, McIntosh cannot and does not warrant against, and shall have no liability of any kind for, any of the following that are related to third party services, the providers of those services, or the systems or networks by which the McIntosh Product communicates with the services: (i) unavailability, lack of compatibility or functionality, interruption, discontinuance, or loss of service, or other unsatisfactory performance, act, or omission; (ii) loss or unauthorized use or disclosure of, or damage to, personal information, recordings, or other data; (iii) reduced functionality of the McIntosh Product; or (iv) any other loss or damage of any kind.McIntosh likewise does not warrant against, and shall have no liability for, any failure of its Products to satisfactorily process any externally sourced data where such failure is attributable in whole or in part to the makeup of the data itself or to a non-McIntosh product, system, or service that is the source of the data or that provides access to the data.

MCINTOSH MS500 Media Streamer

  • NEW
    Warranty 5 years
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